The calendar of events organized, co-organized and hosted by the Arad Museum Complex in August 2024

  1. The exhibition CHANGING ENVIRONMENTS, kinema ikon, Art and Science Annual Neo Art Connect – NAC 2024 Second edition, location Arad Art Museum – July 24 – 18 August 2024
  2. THE SUMMER SALON, the Ion Andreescu Association from Arad, location Clio Hall – July 31- August 11 2024
  3. The fine art exhibition PÉCS CITY DAYS (HUNGARY), Arad City Hall, location Clio Hall – August 23 – September 1 2024
  4. The exhibition „Seeds from the Macea Botanical Garden”, Arad Museum Complex and the University of the West Vasile Goldiș Arad, location Museum of Natural Sciences – June 19 – September 29 2024
  5. The Rural Museum Night, 2nd edition, Arad Museum Complex with the financial support of the Arad County Council, with the support of the Săvârșin Municipality Town Hall, the Şiria Town Hall, the Ghioroc Town Hall, in collaboration with the National Network of Museums in Romania, locations: Memorial House and Art Collection “Eugen Popa and Eugenia Hagiu” Săvârșin, Ioan Slavici and Emil Montia Memorial Museum from Șiria and the Ghioroc Vineyard and Wine Museum – Saturday August 31 2024 opening hours 17.00 P.M. – 21.00 P.M.


2024.07.24 - 2024.09.29
In progress



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